O que você traz para o team

I am looking for a co-founder who is willing to go the extra mile, is positively thinking, fun and wants to have a good time while working.
MUST BE OKAY WITH not being able to pay us a salary for some months.
You must have full-stack development expertise.
Apart from the classical tasks as a CTO, the main important tasks for SalesLead in the near future are:
-development and deployment of MVP/V1
-market validation of the product and collecting feedem caminho duplo
Você tem pontos fortes em...
  • números, dados e lógica
  • design e visuais
  • empurrando e fazendo as coisas
  • estruturação e pensamento estratégico

O que te espera

Full ownership and 100%trust from my side on the tech decisions.
I am looking for a person I can blindly trust and that accepts constructive feedcostas.

Be ready for nights of work among beer and ideas.

O que oferecemos

Partnering with me means getting a dedicated professional with a serious work ethic, but I'm not all business—I bring a sense of fun when the situation calls for it.

I'm open to feedback and believe in transparent communication for continuous improvement. Beyond that, the scalability of the idea is promising. I've already received positive feedback from both my network and industry experts on platforms like LinkedIn, indicating the potential success of our venture.

Sobre nosso projeto

Uma plataforma que dá toda a tecnologia de vendas necessária para freelancers gerarem e qualificarem leads para as empresas que finalmente pagarão apenas pelos bons.

I am working on an Idea in the Sales-tech world, I am looking for a co-founder to support me in the tech and development area.
Any previous education/knowledge/experience in any tech-related topic is a must. Also, you should be willing to work on various topics that may not be exactly your area of expertise, such as alignment of strategy, UX/UI design, pitch deck update and presentation (we both would work on it).

Additionally, as I am developing a sales-tech platform, you should have a strong interest in sales, business development.
Previous experience in teach, development, full-stack, would be very helpful.

There is yet, unfortunately, no money to pay wages but I want to be able to raise money ASAP/ start earning through clients.

-development of the platform
-getting freelancers on the platform
-Go-To-Market strategy and pricing

Grupo alvo
Sales managers, Business development managers, CEOs, Founders, Marketing managers

provedor do cliente

München Região
€0 salário
it depends on the skills but can be as high as 50% ações
de imediatamente Data de início
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